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Tian Xiaolei





Tian Xiaolei è nato nel 1982 a Pechino dove vive e lavora. Si è laureato in Digital Media all'Accademia Centrale di Belle Arti (CAFA) a Pechino nel 2007. Ha partecipato a molte mostre in spazi di prestigio in Cina e all’estero come il “National Art Museum of China” Beijing; “Input/output Gallery”, Hong kong; “Meulensteen Gallery”, New York; “National Taiwan Museum of fine arts” Taiwan.


"Digital media is the carrier of my creation. I am interested in the uncertainty of the rapid iteration in this era and in the relationship between life, science, technology, and the future evolution of this new species as produced by this hybrid age. I use the artist’s perspective to create future world specimens that blend history, religion, science, technology, and the body to create a new artistic experience."  

"Song of joy", 9'56'', 2011 


Un’isola/parco giochi come ultimo paradiso, metafora di un carattere estremamente rilevante della Cina contemporanea e del mondo globalizzato. Un luna park in cui gli esseri umani non sono solo i fruitori delle giostre ma anche le giostre stesse, divenendo simbolo dell’auto-celebrazione come possibile deriva del successo ma anche della tendenza del mondo contemporaneo a sacrificare ogni principio in virtù del divertimento. 

"I have produced an image of an island using the computer software, on which numerous people dressed in suits are enjoying and celebrating themselves. This island is the epitome of the world. The animation is more like a prose, composed of a series of fractions and there is no consistent logical structure in it. These pieces forms my animation. I am trying to talk about the relationship between the pretended joy and the real pain, and discuss the truth regarding to the era of consumption and desire as well.

We are rapidly consuming ourselves in this universe and how long we can be living happily like this? Is the Paradise Island in this animation a haven of soul or the heaven that people are looking for? Or just a chamber for the riotous party right before the end of the world?
Different audiences may have the different answers."



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